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Title: top 5 Inspirational quotes about life from movies-Bunny Hop | 2016
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5  Inspirational quotes from  great  movies: Movies play a most influential role in our life. Some remind us our brightest part of l...

5  Inspirational quotes from  great  movies:

top 5 inspirational quotes | bunny hop

Movies play a most influential role in our life. Some remind us our brightest part of life.
Here is a collection of inspirational quotes from movies that inspire us and  teach valuable lessons . inspirational quotes make people feel positive and positive. These quotes given below are some of the inspirational quotes.

1.“The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room”

-- by  Frank Lucas  in American Gangsterlucas .jpg

5 inspirational quotes from movies

Great talkers are not great doers. Look for people who does more than talking.                                        

2. “Even a good decision if made for the wrong reasons can be a bad decision”

--by Governor  Swann in Pirates  of Caribbean
inspirational quotes

Decisions must provide a long term gain instead of troubles.If you are not taking decisions for
Right reasons, better don’t take decisions

3.”Do, or do not. There is no try”

--  by Yoda from Star wars

If u want to do something  just do it . Never consider  the  job as impossible one never  think about trying. Do it.

4. “You cannot live your life to please others. The choice must be yours.”

--  by white Queen from Alice in wonderland
inspirational quotes

Don’t  live for others, Do what makes you  feel  comfortable. Never try to satisfy others  because the only  person  gets hurt  is  you .

5.”we are who we choose to be”

--  by Green Goblin from spider man
inspirational quotes

Everyone has a own path in life. Choose to go in your way . Not everyone has same goals
Choice is yours. Good or bad  live your own life.

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